Thursday, August 14, 2014

Paris: A Thank You

It occurred to me tonight that not everybody is as enamoured with New York as our family is. (I would happily move to Manhattan tomorrow if it were not for my partner's job, our little dogs, our families, our mortgage, our friends and lives, and the other logistical difficulties.)

New York certainly isn't for everyone (and probably not for poor authors). So I thought I'd extend the book offer from the last post to Paris lovers too.

If you've kindly left a message on this blog over the past 6 months, I'd like to thank you. I know sometimes I don't get time to reply straight away – there are lots of 2am nights here and often I'm so weary I get very behind in admin – but I'm deeply grateful and I'd like to send you a small gift in return. If you've taken the time to leave a message, either on the blog or by direct email, and you'd like either of the Paris/Provence books on the sidebar to the left, please email me, at 

I will be more than happy to pay for costs and postage, in gratitude.

(Of course, you may not want one of my Paris books, and I'd understand that, too. It's just that... I can only get an author discount on those ones.)

And if you're heading to Paris soon (or Provence or the French Riviera), and would like some tips and ideas on where to stay, what to do, and where to kiss your beloved in a suitably romantic spot, please just email me. I will happily reply.

As always, thank you for reading. I love every email and kind note you send, short or long.


  1. You've outdone yourself, Janelle! Thanks so much for your inspiring site and for this giveaway. Wow.

  2. Janelle, I just read your "current projects" list on the sidebar and feel faint at how much you have on your plate right now…good grief…talk about "ask a busy person"….very impressive.

    And for the record, you can chat about NYC as much as you like in my opinion, for I never tire of hearing about it or plotting and planning how quickly I can get back to the wonderful city.

    1. Yes, makes me exhausted thinking about it too! So much so, I was considering moving it. Still, my daily work schedule is nothing compared to all those mothers out there. Still don't know how they juggle kiddies, work and home life. Have such admiration for mothers everywhere.

  3. Such an amazingly generous offer! I have enjoyed your blog very much and read it regularly, though I don't often comment. (I don't think I've commented in the past six months, so I'm not eligible for your book offer, sad face.) All the best on your new projects!

    1. Hi Kathy, I've sent you a private note. You're welcome to a book anyway. Please email me your address when you get a chance. J

  4. Keep the book scamming, they are a feast for our senses Janelle. Cannot wait for Picnic at Hanging rock.!!!
    Happy Publishing - Shell A Darlings Nest

  5. Hi Shell, We pulled the Picnic book back from the publishers bc we received some more leads, which were too strong to dismiss. So I'm now trying to see where they go, in case they need to go into the book. Very convoluted, I know. It's an extraordinary story. Can't wait to publish it so you can read it!


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