Thursday, July 10, 2014

A Black-and-White Weekend, Part 2

A few more lovely black-and-white bits for the weekend...

Australian media was abuzz this week about the news that Neale Whitaker will be taking over the editorship of Vogue Living

Having been editor of the glamorous Belle magazine for years, which has kept pace with Vogue Living for quality of style, design and content, Neale is well placed to take on VL. It will be interesting to see if he changes it and/or takes it in a new direction.

Current editor Victoria Carey (who's lovely) will still be editor-in-chief of Country Style magazine, which is one of the prettiest magazines in the market.

I'm currently working on ideas for page designs and section dividers for the new Paris book, Paris In Style, which is due to be published early next year. (New York In Style comes out first, in Nov 2014.) 

These were done using paper cut-outs, and were inspired by the Matisse exhibition in London last month. Matisse did a much better job, of course.

Will post pages from the new Paris book next week, showing the design stages and how a book progresses through the production process.

If you're in Sydney this week, consider heading down to Bondi this Sunday for the Winter Magic Festival, and its fantastic open-air art exhibition. Local painters and photographers will showcasing their talents 'en pleine air', including a friend of mine, Victoria Hopkins, who does the most beautiful large-scale paintings of pooches I've ever seen. 

Her work is, not surprisingly, rapidly growing in popularity, so snap one up before the prices go up. She also does commissions – a great gift idea for those with dogs. (All she needs is a photo.) She's really lovely to deal with too. Email her at

WHEN: July 13, 10am - 3pm Roscoe Street Mall
WHERE: Roscoe Street Mall


  1. I well remember that VL cover so stunning,not sure if it's the chair or the painting that is the piece de resistance.

    I love the idea of the cutouts, and you showing all aspects of paris style

  2. Can't wait to see Neale work his magic on Vogue. And what is to become of Belle? Only time will tell. Shell - A Darlings Nest


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