Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Vale Stuart Rattle

I was very sad to hear about the death of one of Australia's leading interior designers Stuart Rattle in a tragic fire. He was one of Melbourne's true gentlemen, and my favourite interviewee of all time.

Stuart, you will be greatly missed.


[Photo of Stuart's house 'Musk Farm' by me. 
Photo of Stuart by Eamon Gallagher]


  1. Farm life for successful business people?

    Oddly, it's my specialty.

    Didn't seek it.

    Was hired for acreage.....the rest is history.

    Has a name arrived for that choice of lifestyle/living? Urbals is quite good too.

    Have you read Founding Gardeners? About Washington, Adams, Jefferson and their agricultural and pleasure garden pursuits.

    Garden & Be Well, XO Tara

  2. Such sad news - I hadn't heard over here in Adelaide. He was a very talented designer, and it's a great loss to all, especially his family and friends and so close to Christmas.
    Candles.... often the culprit in a house fire. I'm guilty of having accidentally left mine burning at night after going to bed, which gives me horrors the next morning when I discover it. xx

  3. This news is indeed sad - made even more so by the latest news in the papers.
    Stuart Rattle was something of a interior design hero of mine.
    Bye for now,
    I am enjoying reading your blog!


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