Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Surprises & Delights of London

No matter how much you think you know London, this city still has the ability to surprise and delight... 


  1. So glad you are back...missed your blog very much. Hope you are well.

  2. You have a great eye, I was staying in that area and got so very few pics!

  3. You're back blogging!!! Silly me - only just realised... Such lovely photographs but sorry to read (in your previous post) of sadness and problems.
    Such beautiful photographs - you capture the real essence of London! S x

  4. Janelle,

    Thank you so much for the trip of a lifetime!
    It was beyond gorgeous and exceeded all my highest expectations. I still can't believe I saw so many beautiful gardens and I met some wonderful people on the tour. It was the beest holiday of my entire life!
    Victoria x

  5. Janelle... your comment about optimism and being positive struck a chord with me. Its too easy to be cynical, negative or superior. Surely being positive and optimistic doesn't require any more energy? I hereby resolve to join you on your journey to a more positive mentality. Except of course I could kick myself for not signing up for your garden tour ;-) Ah! if you ever do it again....
    Judith in Canberra

  6. You know I travel vicariously through you, don't you, dear Janelle? Thankyou by friend for allowing me to escape for a while. J x


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