Saturday, October 27, 2012

Photographing Paris

Losing my Canon SLR this week made me realise how attached I'd become to my worn-out, cantankerous, travel-battered old camera.

That camera and I had seen a lot of miles. It had been with me through bitter winters in Paris, beaches on the Great Barrier Reef (sadly, usually on my own because I was always working), snowstorms in New York and even a small hurricane in the Bahamas. It had stayed faithful all through the drops and knocks and falls and it had continued to work even when I cracked its shell against the elegant but unforgiving stonework of the Louvre.

I don't know how tough a digital SLR Leica is (my dream camera), but I often wonder if it would be as much of a workhorse as the Canon? I loved my Canon. I couldn't have asked for a better camera. It seemed to make me a better photographer than I actually was.

It was only recently, when we both started getting old and weary from the miles, that the Canon started to become belligerent. The photos didn't seem as sharp. And the lens seemed perpetually dirty. But – like an old married couple who become accustomed to each other – we stuck together, the Canon and I. My partner kept insisting that upgrade but I resisted. How could I? It would have been like upgrading him. How do you toss in something you love, just because it's old and weary?

And so this week, when it was stolen in London, I was quietly bereft. Part of me thought: Well, I can always get a new one on insurance. But another other part of me was very, very sad. And then today, walking around Paris, I felt such a profound sense of loss it was though my partner had died. I stood on the Pont des Arts, looked up the river under the brooding grey skies, and remembered all the years I'd stood there, holding the camera aloft. We'd had some good times, that old Canon and I.

And so here, in a tribute to ancient cameras everywhere, is a post on modern photography. I'm not the best photographer. I'm simply a journalist who was forced to shoot her own books for budget reasons. But this is what my faithful Canon has taught me...

If you shoot scenes that bring you pleasure, they will always gladden your heart when you look back on them. This is true for family photos but it's also true for Paris. Don't think you always have to shoot the Louvre, or the Eiffel Tower or the other cliched sights. Just shoot what moves you. I love seeing Parisians at play. Look at this little boy with his fabulous glitter hat kicking a ball around. The photo makes me smile. Every single time.

All photographers have their little favourites. Some photographers love shooting people. Others like fashion. Others adore snapping travel scenes. I have a passion for light. I love it. I love the way it changes during the day, and how it moves across buildings, and streets, and scenes. This shot was taken in the late afternoon. I happened to be in the right place at the right time. But you don't need to be in a colonnade such as this to take a shot of lovely light. Just observe the light wherever you are. You'll soon notice how it enhances things.

Pattern is another subject that's dear to my photographer's heart. I love any kind of repeating pattern, but particularly graphic stripes, which always look gorgeous, whether they're in Miami or the Marais.

An ex-boyfriend taught me this trick. Instead of looking through the viewfinder, lower the camera and simply click. That is, let the camera take the photo on its own. (Set it on automatic rather than manual first.) More often than not, you'll get an unexpectedly beautiful shot. It works best when you hold it against something, such as a wall – like this wall of 'love' padlocks on the Pont des Arts. My ex used to drop his camera down low whenever he walked along a beach, so he'd capture vast expanses of sky. His images were beautiful. Far more beautiful than mine.

These windows at Guerlain's store on the Rue du Faubourg-Saint-Honore were begging to be photographed.

Timing is everything in photography. Unfortunately, I don't have the patience to wait for the perfect shot (which is perhaps why I'm not the greatest photographer). But I do realise that timing is crucial in this business. The really good photographers wait for the right light, the right moment, the right scene. They'll wait for ages. That's how they get the best shots.

I snapped this woman and her cute Jack Russells crossing the Palais-Royal at just the right moment. (Look at how the trees frame her.) But I was lucky. I had good timing. The Photography Gods were shining down that day.

I've been wanting to photograph this Parisian patisserie for years. It's one of the city's most beautiful shopfronts. But I could never find it. So I researched it on the Internet. (There are conflicting addresses, and nobody seems to know where it is.) It was well worth the hike up to Montmartre last week. If you want to shoot particular things, find out where they are and write up a Shot List.

These shots were taken at Versailles last week. I was on an old bike I'd hired to ride to the Petit Trianon. (Be kind: I'd already walked all around the gardens for 6 hours!) I literally snapped these pix as I was wobbling by on two wheels! To me, they epitomise Versailles. But that's because of the scale.

Don't centre things in your photos. Break the scene into thirds (either horizontally or vertically) and position the focal point on one of these lines. (For example, the sky in this shot, above, now takes up two-thirds of the photo.) It creates a more interesting, more dynamic shot.

I love shooting people in love. I'm always shooting my parents because their love is so lovely to watch. This gorgeous, just-married couple walked onto the Pont des Arts bridge and, ignoring everyone, leaned together for a just-married kiss. It was so tender and beautiful, I almost felt as though I shouldn't be watching. They were so in love. That's what life's about. Moments such as these.


  1. Hi Janelle
    Im sorry you have have lost an old friend
    so true about dropping that camera...down below eyelevel that is.

    What are those stiped drums at the Marais?

    also like the full garbage bags outside the Confiserie..bit of contrast going on there

    1. Hi Miss SMR, Those striped sculptures are part of the forecourt at the Palais Royal. Aren't they beautiful? I didn't see the garbage bags outside the patisserie - how perceptive of you to notice. It's such a beautiful bakery. The inside is amazing. Hope you're well. Miss Australia like craaaazy at the moment. xx

  2. Such beautiful photos and wonderful tips. I'm sorry for your loss. For a journalist who HAS to take her own pictures, you are pretty spectacular at it.

    1. Oh that's kind. I'm afraid it's been forced upon me. But I'm still a lazy photographer. I throw the camera on 'Automatic' all the time! I suspect most people could take a decent photo, if they learned the rules of composition. And I love looking at other people's photos. Photo albums are such lovely things. xx

  3. Great tips Janelle, I need all the help I can get!! So sorry about the theft, those sort of things always make me feel quite ill and violated. xx

    1. Yes, was in shock for a hour. First time in my life that it's happened. Nevermind. Am loving your blog posts at the moment. Have been reading them at airport lounges. I just adore your house. Makes me want to pack up my Adelaide partner and move back there to a beautiful sandstone Georgian! (Only all we'd be able to afford would be a beach hut at Victor Harbour) xx

  4. These are such great tips. I love the one about letting the camera do the work.
    How upsetting about your stolen camera.

    1. Thanks Miss Claire. Hope you've sorted out your Italy photos. It must be loving looking back through them all. xx

  5. Thank you for sharing these great tips but I'm so sorry to hear about your camera being stolen! What happend?!

    1. They clipped the strap Slim. Or somehow pulled it off my shoulder without anybody noticing. It was in the Savile Row/Bond Street area. All I can say is, those thieves must be SO rich! The Savile Row Police Station was inundated with tourists who had had their bags stolen from the Zara changerooms, or when they'd put them down to read a map. Obviously a big crime area.
      Thanks for commenting. I love your blog. It inspired me to go to the Georges V Hotel in Paris to see the flowers in the lobby. They were just spectacular. xx

  6. Hi Janelle,

    This is such a sweet post. You turned a sad moment into a poetic one. We all get attached to dear posessions. I keep some of my "retired" ones in a drawer, even if they don't work anymore...don't have that heart to throw them out.

    Thanks for the photography tips, I'm new at blogging and find that good photos are key to becoming a good blogger.

    thanks again,

    1. I'm sure your photos are beautiful Emily. And I love your drawer of 'retired cameras'. How lovely. I give my old cameras away, usually to friends who want them. They're never worth much, and these friends have usually done a lot for me. xx

  7. Great post! Taking pics is so much fun, adding such dimension to our experience in the world. Interested in hearing which camera you'll choose next. Carla Coulson has some suggestions in one of her posts. Thanks, Cynthia

    1. Yes, love Carla's posts on photography. She's such a brilliant photographer. I wanted her to shoot some Paris pix for me but she didn't reply, so I suspect she's inundated, or didn't want to do a half day for only A$1500. Nevermind. In the end, it was lovely to go to Paris to shoot the scenes myself.

      As for new cameras, the 600D was only 400 pounds in London, so I considered it, but not sure it's even suitable? Would love to go up to the 5D but can't justify A$5000 (for the body and lenses). I just don't shoot enough to warrant it.

      Will have to consult Carla's blog to see which is best! xx

  8. Great tips....I love my Canon too. Merci beaucoup Janelle.

  9. I think your shots are beautiful, and I get an 'extra' buzz on recognising several locations :). Thanks so much for sharing your tips, really interesting.

    1. Thanks for taking the time to write Gigi. So lovely to hear from you, and I'm pleased you recognised the Paris you love. xx

  10. Like losing an old friend... but hopefully your new one will soon have wonderful memories attached to it too, which will make it a potential new adventure. What are you going to get to replace old faithful? xx

    1. I'm not sure Virginia. I suspect next May, before we head off to see all the gardens. I've loved your blog posts while I've been away. Always such a great source of inspiration. xx

  11. I'll go into a trance soon & channel the numbers for tonight's big Lotto draw. Then I'll get the Haselblad rep to call you, my treat.
    M xx

  12. I feel your pain Janelle. My late father lost his beloved Canon camera (bought in Singapore during a family trip back to Italy) in the late 1970s after a country picnic. He'd taken up amateur photography and he and his friends had slide nights once a month to compare shots. He never got around to buying another one before he died and I became the defacto family photographer in the intervening years. But I'm glad he got so many years' pleasure out of it.


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